Synoptic Table Editor



Synoptic Tables synthetise the information of several relevés in each column of the table. They enable the comparison of different vegetation units at the same time. A synoptic relevé is essentially the same as a normal relevé, but without side information (ecology, structure,...). In Quercus, synoptic relevés maintain a list of original relevé codes that where used to build them. This makes posible to build partitions from synoptic tables. Taxon entry values in a synoptic table are presented in percentage format, meaning the proportion of original relevés in the given synoptic relevé where the given taxon entry was present. These proportions can be displayed as percentages or classes (in roman numbers) but their meaning remains the same. This display mode can be switched with the menu option 'Change display mode' (F2).

The Synoptic Table Editor has almost the same options as the Work Table Editor. It can reorder rows and columns, filter entries, display taxon lists... Some of the differences are listed here:

  1. Synoptic Releves are generated from Work Table Editor and pasted into Synoptic Table Editor.
  2. Exporting a Synoptic Table for analysis does not need the Braun-Blanquet scale transformation.
  3. One cannot generate a Synoptic Table from a table which is already synoptic.
  4. Plotting options of Work Table Editor are not available in the Synoptic Table Editor.
  5. Synoptic Relevés can be fused to become a new synoptic column.
  6. Synoptic Relevé names can be changed in Synoptic Table Editor.



New commands in Synoptic Table Editor which do not exist for Work Tables are listed in the following table:

Menu Item (Edit Menu)
Changes the name of the currently selected synthetic relevé (column) Rename Relevé Ctrl+Alt-N
Joins all the selected columns in one new synoptic column Fuse Selected Synoptic Relevés  
Menu Item (Display menu)
Switches the display mode, from percentages to roman numbers representing presence classes. Change Display Mode F2


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Last update 01/28/2003