Taxon Thesaurus File



A Taxon Thesaurus File stores a pool of taxonomic items, arranged in a hierarchical way. Each <taxon/> tag can have other nested taxa. This taxa information is essential because in all relevé entries taxon is specified by a name code, and this refers to a taxon name (See Relevé Table File). Synonyms are handled by another code, the internal code. While name code is unique for all taxa, they can share the internal code, so the program can know that they are actually referring to the same biological entity.

Taxon thesaurus files have XML file format. In each file, there is just one <taxon_pool> tag, which can contain an unlimited number of taxa.

Taxon Thesaurus file example


Taxon Thesaurus tags

<taxon_pool/> : Each thesaurus files contains just one taxon pool. In turn, this <taxon_pool> is the parent tag for as many <taxon> tags as needed.

<taxon/> : Describes a taxon, with can have attributes:

1) name: The taxonomical name, only the part corresponding to this taxonomical level.

2) namecode: code for this taxon name, which is unique.

3) icode: internal code which can join synonym taxa.

4) analysiscode: which can join taxa for analysis purposes. One can specify with this code that a given species subforms to be analysed jointly. This code is written when different from icode only.

5) level: the taxonomical level: Tipus, SubTipus, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Subspecies, Variety, Subvariety, Form.

<author/> : Describes the authorship of the taxon name. Just one author field is stored for each taxon.


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Last update 01/28/2003